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2. Spirin, I. V., Matantseva, O. Yu., Grishaeva, Yu. M., Savosina, M. I. Planning for sustainable development of regular passenger transportation in Russian cities [Planirovanie ustoichivogo razvitiya regulyarnykh perevozok passazhirov gorodakh Rossii]. Safety of wheeled vehicles in operating conditions: proceedings of 106th International Scientific and Technical Conference, Irkutsk, April 23–26, 2019. Irkutsk, Irkutsk National Research University, 2019, pp. 629–636. [Electronic resource]: https://www.niiat.ru/files/publications/2019/planirovanie_ustojchivogo_razvitiya_regulyarnyh_perevozok_passazhirov_v_gorodah_rossii.pdf. Last accessed 24.08.2022.
3. Spirin, I. V. Urban bus transportation: a Handbook [Gorodskie avtobusnie perevozki: Spravochnik]. Moscow, Transport publ., 1991, 237 p. ISBN 5-227-01139-0.
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5. Matantseva, O. Yu. Fundamentals of the economics of road transport: Study guide [Osnovy ekonomiki avtomobilnogo transporta: Ucheb. posobie]. Moscow, Yustitsinform publ., 2020, 256 p. ISBN 978-5-7205-1503-4.