Loktev A. A.,Vinogradov V. V.,Buchkin V. A.
[For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].ABSTRACT The authors evaluate the process of dynamic contact «wheel-rail» through analysis of several simulation models of interaction, allowing to take into account different rheological properties of contacting bodies. The research apparatus comprises equations describing the motion of wheel and rail in the vertical direction, which are then solved using initial conditions and numerical iterative scheme, assuming that at small time intervals individual values behave linearly. The proposed algorithm allows to determine that at medium and high speeds of vehicle movement the elastic-plastic dependence of Alexandrov- Kadomtsev is most appropriate to describe the nature of interaction between the wheel and the rail, as well as to find individual dynamic values. Keywords: railway, wheel, rail, dynamic effects, viscoelastic contact force, elastic-plastic interaction, mechanical characteristics, interaction patterns, dynamic bending, local buckling. REFERENCES 1.Agostinacchio, M., Ciampa, D., Diomedi, M., Olita, S.Parametrical analysis of the railways dynamic response at high speed moving loads.Journal of Modern Transportation, 2013, Vol.21, Iss.3, pp.169-181. 2.Fang, M., Cerdas, S.F., Qiu, Ya.Numerical determination for optimal location of sub-track asphalt layer in high-speed rails.Journal of Modern Transportation, 2013, Vol.21, Iss.2, pp.103-110. 3.Alexandrov, V.M., Romalis, B. L.Contact tasks in mechanical engineering [Kontaktnye zadachi v mashinostroenii].Moscow, Mashinostroenie publ., 1986, 362 p. 4.Kogan, A.Ya.Interaction of wheel and rail at rolling [Vzaimodejstvie kolesa i rel’sa pri kachenii].Trenie i smazka v mashinah i mehanizmah, 2008, Iss.8, pp.26-38. 5.Olsson, R., Donadon, M.V., Falzon, B. G.Delamination threshold load for dynamic impact on plates.International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2006, Vol. 43, pp.3124-3141. 6.Biryukov, D.G., Kadomtsev, I. G.Elastic-plastic nonaxisymmetric impact of parabolic body on a spherical shell [Uprugoplasticheskij neosesimmetrichnyj udar parabolicheskogo tela po sfericheskoj obolochke].Prikladnaja matematika i teoreticheskaja fizika, 2005, Vol.46, Iss.1, pp.181-186. 7.Loktev, A.A., Vershinin, V. V.Modeling shockproof insulation systems with viscoelastic elements [Modelirovanie sistem protivoudarnoj izoljacii s vjazkouprugimi elementami].Vestnik MGTU im. Baumana. Serija Estestvennye nauki, 2012, Iss.2, pp.52-63. 8.Loktev, A.A., Sycheva, A. V.Research of dynamic characteristics of the upper structure of railway track under dynamic action [Issledovanie dinamicheskih harakteristik verhnego stroenija zheleznodorozhnogo puti pri dinamicheskom vozdejstvii].Nauka i tehnika transporta, 2013, Iss.4, pp.58-64. 9.Loktev, A.A., Sycheva, A.V., Vershinin, V. V.Modeling of Work of a Railway Track at the Dynamic Effects of a Wheel Pair.Proceeding of the 2014 International Conference on Theoretical Mechanics and Applied Mechanics, Venice, Italy, March 15-17, 2014, pp.78-81 10.Mazov, Yu.N., Loktev, A.A., Sychev, V. P.Assessment of impact of defects rolling stock wheels on the state of the railway track [Ocenka vlijanija defektov koles podvizhnogo sostava na sostojanie zheleznodorozhnogo puti].Vestnik MGSU, 2015, Iss.5, pp.54-65. 11.Balandin, D.V., Bolotnik, N.N., Pilkey, W.D.Optimal protection from impact and shock: theory and methods.Applied Mechanics Reviews, 2000, Vol.53, Iss.9, pp.237-264. 12.Schonberg, W.P., Keer, L.M., Woo, T.K.Low velocity impact of transversely isotropic beams and plates.International Journal of Solids and Structures, 1987, Vol.23, pp.871-896.
FSBEO HPE Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)