Using In-Vehicle Monitoring Data to Assess Road Conditions of Traffic Flows


Chernyaev I. O.1,Evtyukov S. A.2


1. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU)

2. St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU)


 Developments in adaptive systems for maintenance and repair of automotive vehicles set the task of monitoring the conditions of their operation. One of the main factors determining these conditions is the type of road surface.The article describes the results of identification of the type (and condition) of the road surface obtained by theoretical and experimental methods based on the analysis of vertical accelerations recorded on the vehicle body.The purpose of research was to provide a possibility of continuous monitoring of the type of road surface on which a vehicle is driving, with the subsequent application of the obtained data to correct maintenance intervals. The results of experiments have shown the dependence of the vertical acceleration of the body on the micro-profile of the road surface. The described experimentally obtained profiles of vertical accelerations refer to different types of road surface in different conditions. For quantitative assessment, it is proposed to calculate the average level of accelerations as an integral average over a certain time interval.The results of the experiments have allowed to substantiate the empirical dependence of the average level of accelerations on speed of a vehicle. Based on this dependence, a method is proposed for recalculating the current values of the average levels of accelerations obtained at different speeds into values adjusted to the base speed to ensure the possibility of their comparison.It is shown that based on the values of average acceleration levels obtained through operation monitoring regarding a previously known type of road surface, it is possible to determine its condition. A short algorithm is formulated for practical implementation and assessment of road conditions of traffic flows. As for hardware, it is proposed not to equip a vehicle with additional sensors but to use operational standard accelerometers as part of in-vehicle emergency call systems, e.g., ERA-GLONASS equipment units. 


FSBEO HPE Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)

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