A Formalised Approach to Optimal Adoption of a Complex of Technical Means


Popova T. A.1,Popov A. P.2


1. MIREA – Russian Technological University

2. Russian University of Transport


The research relates to the field of automation of technological preparation of production in transport equipment manufacturing sector and proposes the concept of choosing the optimal design model for a complex of technical means within a control system in automated production. The factors characterising the dynamics of the processes have been studied, and the corresponding mathematical models have been drawn up, considering the cost characteristics and the economic feasibility of adopting integratedtechnical means.The main objective of this work is to propose consideration of all parameters that have weight, including the dynamics of technical and economic processes. It is shown that cost characteristics are direct indicators of economic efficiency of the implemented complex of technical means.Methodically, this work was carried out based on economic and mathematical analysis of adoption of a complex of technical means at a transport equipment manufacturing enterprise considering approaches previously suggested by researchers.Thus, for the most accurate determination of the final cost of a certain product option, it is necessary to consider all factors of design decisions. Based on these data, a model of cost characteristics of products is built, analysing which it is possible to select the optimal product design, optimal assemblies and units with specific components and specific quality indicators. This allows obtaining the optimal technological version of the design solution during manufacturing.A method of searching for an optimal production cycle when introducing an automated production system is proposed. It is proposed to consider the losses associated with temporary freezing of funds, including the need to perform a convolution of optimization criteria. To formalise the process of making optimal decisions, it is also proposed to harmonise the products and market needs. Besides, the search methodology should include the search for an optimal group of employees responsible for implementation of specific and narrowly focused tasks, which makes it possible to improve the quality indicators of automated production with an adopted complex of technical means (CTM).To minimise the time spent on entire commissioning of a product from the development stage to receipt of the finished product, it is required to speed up the development work. This can be done by increasing production capacity, as well as by reducing the time of partial cycles of the structure’s existence.Even though the model is becoming excessively redundant, we suppose that introduction of additional elements is necessary to consider all the nuances that help choosing the best solution regarding optimisation issues, which will allow determining of the full economic efficiency of the complex.


FSBEO HPE Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)

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