Goals and Risks of Activity as Factors of Regulation in Social Systems in Transport Sector


Filippova N. A.1,Bashmakov I. A.1,Kochegur D. Yu.2


1. Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University

2. Kuban State Technological University


Significant changes that are currently taking place in the external environment are objective prerequisites for emergence of new management methods that predetermine the practical period of transition of enterprises from strategic planning to strategic management (transfer of thinking based on the future to the thinking based on the present following the principle «here and now»).So, for example, large production structures focus on stability, therefore they react slowly to changes in the external environment, take little risks, and tend to traditional solutions. Modifying options developed at large enterprises are developing what is, as well as complementing and differentiating the existing situation, where the limited possibilities of any kind of evolution of any system can exist solely within its limits.Efficiency reflects the results of development, but is not identical with the results, because no saving of some factors of production can be achieved without additional costs of others. The strategy turns here into real one only if it based on the concept of developing new specific products or processes subject to the following indicator of progress: the maximum earned with the minimum of expenditures.The objective of the study is to identify modern regulatory factors in social systems in transport sector concealed in the goals and risks of such activities, while the main object of study is road transportation. The article uses methods of theoretical and empirical research in relation to goals and risks that can be determined and observed in the activities of transport sociotechnical systems.Goals and risks are defined as factors that allow regulating key performance indicators of socio-technical systems that affect their effectiveness. 


FSBEO HPE Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT)

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