1. MSc, PhD; Head Doctor, Individual Entrepreneur Nagorniak I.V., Kyiv, Ukraine. Author’s address: Private Practice (Certificate for management system according to ISO 9001:2015 – Private Entrepreneur Nagorniak I.V.), 6-G Andriushchenka Street, Office 6, Kyiv 01135, Ukraine. E-mail:
Day 247 of a full-scale Russian invasion in Europe. The recent rocket attack on Kyiv during the morning commute and an attack by kamikaze drones is not something that can contribute to a positive work atmosphere and a boom in job interviews. Such continuous acts of terrorism can only cause a disruption in the chains of work processes. In stomatology, such chains cannot be built overnight. Typically, it takes years of collaboration and growth of the trust.
The quality of the relationship between the members of the chain, speed of collaboration, accessibility of stomatologist for the particular patient are vital for the success of the entire chain having a positive effect on profitability and existence of the whole (Huntley, 2006; Atrek et al, 2014; Nagorniak, 2022).
On other hand, such gaps in the chains of work processes are the chances for the young, less experienced stomatologists of all specialties—orthodontists, prosthetic stomatologists, surgeons focused on dental implants, etc. A chance to take the place of more experienced and famous stomatologists.
Summarizing the 247 days of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, the following conclusions can be drawn regarding the disruption of work process chains in Kyiv city and options for their resolution.
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1 articles.