1. Managing Editor, JDTOMP, Kyiv, Ukraine.
ScienceDirect® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V.―an academic publishing company headquartered in Amsterdam, Netherlands with offices worldwide. ScienceDirect contains more than 18 million articles and chapters and >2,650 peer-reviewed journals.
Multiple peer-reviewed journals from the subject categories “Oral Surgery,” “Surgery,” and “Otorhinolaryngology” are always in the field of view of the Ukrainian oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Many of those journals are published by Elsevier B.V., and for the wartime period this international publishing company gave to surgeons in Ukraine a full access to all its journals. Such opportunity is limitless useful due to the possibility to absorb international data and surgical techniques without subscriptions or payments.
Russian terroristic invasion to Ukraine increased a need for Ukrainian oral and maxillofacial surgeons, trauma and plastic surgeons to manage significant number of severe ballistic and explosive trauma cases. Implementation of modern surgical principles into wartime practice is crucial for life-saving surgeries. Thus, the scientific support of Elsevier company will definitely contribute to lives` preservation and health of the Europeans.