Rosyada Amrina,Warassih Esmi,Herawati Ratna
Pasal 18B ayat (2) UUD NRI Tahun 1945 mengamanatkan perlindungan konstitusional terhadap kesatuan masyarakat hukum adat. Namun, perlindungan kontitusional KMHA belum mewujudkan keadilan bagi KMHA itu sendiri. Penelitian ini menggunaan pendekatan sosio-legal, dalam rangka menjawab masalah yang diteliti. Faktor-faktor penyebab belum terwujudknya keadilan bagi KMHA Sedulur Sikep adalah: (1) Belum adanya Undang-Undang khusus tentang KMHA serta keragaman Istilah yang dipakai untuk menyebutkan KMHA, (2) Ego sektoral para pihak, (3) Pengakuan keberadaan KMHA Sedulur Sikep Pati belum dituangkan didalam Perda. Ketiga alasan tersebut berdampak pada konflik yang sering terjadi antara pemerintah dengan KMHA Sedulur Sikep. Constitutional Protection of Indigenous Community in Achieving Social Justice Article 18B paragraph (2) of the Indonesia Constitution 1945 mandates the constitutional protection towards indigenous communities. However, the protection still cannot bring justice for the community. This research uses a socio-legal approach in order to answer research questions. The factors of why Sedulur Sikep Community has not get justice are: (1) There is no any specified law regarding indigenous community and various terminology used to refer to the indigenous community groups; (2) The sectoral ego of the involved parties (3) The recognition of Sedulur Sikep Community has not been embodied into Regional Regulations. Those three factors result the conflicts oftenly happens between the regional government and the Sedulur Sikep Community, which depict a clear gap between them.
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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