1. Associate Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology and Director, Advanced Research and Diagnostic Laboratory, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN @asaenger10
2. Deputy and Electronic Editor, The JAMA and JAMA Network, Philadelphia, PA
3. Professor of Emergency Medicine, Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK @EMManchester
4. Vice Chair for Computational Pathology, Director of Clinical Chemistry and Mass Spectrometry, Associate Professor of Pathology, Department of Pathology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL @SHaymondSays
5. Healthcare Social Media Consultant (https://hcsmmonitor.com/)@JBBC, Dublin, Ireland
6. Associate Professor of Medicine, Adjunct Scientist, Division of Emergency Medicine, Program for Education Research and Development, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada and Emergency Medicine, Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada @sherbino
7. Department of Emergency Medicine, Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN @smithECGBlog
8. Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN