Florescu Ioana, ,Teodoru Andrei,Geicu Alina Gabriela,Chiriloaie-Palade Andrei,Fătu Viorel,Manole Traian,Mitel Toma,Mirea Emilian,Manea Vasilica,Toader Alexandru,Staicu Bogdan,Burnichi Floarea,Chireceanu Constantina, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
" This paper presents the species composition and abundance of epigeal invertebrate fauna collected from experimental pepper crops at the Vegetable Research and Development Station Buzău, Romania during 219-2020. The open field bell pepper Buzau 10 (2019) and Cantemir (2020) varieties were used in the experiment in five variants with two factors, diatomite (three doses) and bioinoculant Trichoderma asperellum Td85 strain. Diatomite was local from the Pătârlagele deposit (Buzău County) and antagonistic fungus was from the collection of microorganisms of Research and Development Institute for Plant Protection Bucharest. The fauna on the soil surface was collected using Barber traps, replaced every two weeks from June to October. The ecological parameters of abundance, dominance, constancy and ecological significance have been calculated using specific formulas. Specific attributes of the two products, diatomite and bioinoculant Trichoderma, reflected on the ecological and structural characteristics of invertebrate communities."
Institutul de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Protectia Plantelor Bucuresti
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