Exploring the relationship between sustainable marketing and the performance of a higher education institution


Meštrović DunjaORCID,Bagarić LidijaORCID,Brlečić Valčić Sonja


This paper addresses the challenges and opportunities of applying sustainablemarketing in higher education institutions (HEI), focusing on the performance ofthe higher education institution in achieving multiple goals from the perspective ofstakeholders. Although the existing academic literature, contains a wide range ofresearch on sustainability, it is mainly focused on the for-profit sector. A lack ofresearch examining sustainable marketing in the public sector, especially in thefield of higher education, has been noted. An analysis of the existing scientificliterature was carried out and the barriers to wider adoption of sustainablemarketing in the academic environment are identified. Quantitative research wasconducted to test the proposed conceptual model defined by the multidimensionalconstruct of sustainable marketing and its impact on the success of a highereducation institution. The research results showed a positive relationship betweensustainable marketing and higher education institution performance. The benefitsof implementing sustainable marketing can be seen in creating positive changesthat we as a society want to experience, in the rational use of resources, and increating added value while considering the long-term interests of society and theenvironment. The research findings can contribute to a better understanding of the role of sustainable marketing in higher education and provide guidelines for itsbroader application to create a more sustainable and socially responsibleacademic environment.


University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business








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