1. Iron and Steel Institute of Z. I. Nekrasov National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Detailed calculation-analytical, laboratory and industrial researches of influence of sinter composition on features of technology of production of an agglomerate, and also use of such agglomerate in a complex with application of pulverized coal on results of technology and parameters of the made pig-iron are executed. The influence of the introduction of secondary materials into the sintering charge on the indicators of experimental sintering of the sinter on the example of the introduction of the use of sludge and fine dust was studied. It is established that the use of sludge blast furnace production has a greater impact on the productivity of sintering machines, to a lesser extent on the yield and cold strength. The use in the charge of fine dust electrostatic precipitators in the amount of ~ 20.5 kg/t leads to a significant reduction in productivity and strength characteristics of the sinter.
Based on the results of experimental studies, the influence of the introduction of different amounts of secondary resources into the sinter charge on some characteristics of the sinter some indicators of the blast furnace operation. The balance calculations showed that with the partial replacement of pulverized coal with natural gas in the amount of 35 m3/t of cast iron, coke consumption decreased by 35 kg/t of cast iron, which led to a decrease in the cost of cast iron by 2.1%. Mathematical models created using the results of experimental data, as well as graphical dependences of reagent consumption (Mg and Mg + CaO mixture) allowed to determine the required values of specific mass consumption of reagents and on this basis to determine the cost of production of low-sulfur iron.
Mathematical modeling of oxygen-converter smelting on the basis of calculation of material and heat balances and taking into account thermodynamic and physicochemical features of chemical transformations is performed. Using mathematical modeling, a comprehensive comparative analysis of the impact of the design of blast devices and the type of liquid cast iron on the technical and economic performance of steel production OS in the oxygen-converter shop of PJSC "DMK".
Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy Z.I. Nekrasova of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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