Influence of the quantity of the additive on the hydrodynamics of the metal bath in the ladle


,Samokhvalov S. Ye.ORCID,Piptyuk V. P.ORCID, ,Grekov S. V.,


It is known that steel production involves the use of various solid additive materials, which are introduced into the liquid metal bath at the stages of converting and outfurnace processing. The vast majority of such materials are supplied in lump form and in significant quantities. The volume of the additive can vary from 0.05 to several tens of kilograms per ton of molten steel, depending on the technological production conditions and other requirements. Until now, various studies and calculations on the efficiency of using additive materials in steel production were based on considering the behavior of their separate piece in a liquid metal bath. At the same time, the theoretical description of the hydrodynamic state of the metal bath did not take into account the influence of the amount of added additive. At the same time, as it seems to the authors of the article, it is precisely this factor that can influence the accuracy of the calculated results and, most importantly, increase the error in further assessment of the effectiveness of using high-value and mainly imported materials. The article, as the first stage of theoretical consideration and assessment of the influence of variable factors on the degree of use of additive materials and in order to increase the efficiency of their use, presents a theoretical interpretation and shows the feasibility of taking into account in improved mathematical models the processes of melting (dissolution) and assimilation of solid materials by the metal melt introduced quantitative factor, as one of the significant parameters of complex physical and chemical processes. Using the example of lump ferromanganese grade FeMn78, as an additive material, which was introduced in different quantities (from 0,2 to 2 kg/t) into a ladle with a capacity of 250 tons during metal processing in a ladle-furnace unit (LF) with simultaneous bottom argon purging within the range of 200 – 800 l/min through each of the two tuyeres, the dependence of the influence of the amount of additive on the change in the hydrodynamics of the liquid metal bath is shown.


Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy Z.I. Nekrasova of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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