1. 1. Piptyuk, V. P., Samokhvalov, S. E., Kovura, A. B., et al. (2010). Issledovaniye vliyaniya variantov komponovki donnogo produvochnogo uzla na peremeshivaniye rasplava argonom na dvukhpozitsionnoy ustanovke kovsh-pech moshchnostyu 45 MV·A. [Study of the influence of bottom blowing unit layout options on melt mixing with argon on a two-position ladle-furnace unit with a capacity of 45 MVA]. Metallurgicheskaya i gornorudnaya promyshlennost [Metallurgical and Mining industry]. 7, 213−215. [in Russian]
2. 2. Piptyuk, V. P., Logozinsky, I. N., & Grekov, S. V. (2013). Peremeshivaniye rasplava v stalerazlivochnom kovshe s usileniyem futerovki v boynoy chasti [Mixing the melt in a steel-pouring ladle with reinforcement of the lining in the head part]. Proceedings of the IX international conference "Quality Strategy in Industry and Education" May 31 - June 7, 2013. Bulgaria - Technical University - Varna, 2, 109-112. [in Russian]
3. 3. Piptyuk, V. P., Samokhvalov, S. E., Logozinsky, I. N. et al. (2013). Vliyaniye usileniya futerovki v boynoy chasti stalerazlivochnogo kovsha na parametry peremeshivaniya rasplava [The influence of strengthening the lining in the head of a steel-pouring ladle on the melt mixing parameters]. Metalurg [Metallurg], 7, 29-34. [in Russian]
4. 4. Piptyuk, V. P., Samokhvalov, S. E., Grekov, S. V. et al. (2010). Chislennoye izucheniye vliyaniya peremennykh faktorov na peremeshivaniye rasplava na ustanovke kovsh-pech' sredney moshchnosti [Numerical study of the influence of variable factors on melt mixing in a medium-power ladle-furnace unit]. Interstate scientific and methodological conference "Problems of mathematical modeling" (May 19-21, 2010, Dniprodzerzhinsk). Theses of Confirmations. Dniprodzerzhinsk. P. 81-83. [in Russian]
5. 5. Piptyuk, V. P., Krikent, I. V., Samokhvalov, S. E. et al. (2013). Otsenka velichiny vliyaniya elektromagnitnykh sil na peremeshivaniye vanny ustanovki kovsh-pech' peremennogo toka [Estimation of the influence of electromagnetic forces on the mixing of the bathtub of an AC ladle-furnace unit]. Proceedings of the conference "Brewing and controversial technologies- current and future", Kiev, 25-26 November, 2013. P. 193. [in Russian]