Emergency department surge and overcrowding: An interdisciplinary solution for an institutional issue.


Gaeta Susan1,Edwards Toni2,Bourenane Sorayah2,Gonzalez Carmen E.3,McFarland Karen2,Milling Danielle4


1. University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX;

2. MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX;

3. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX;

4. MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston, TX;


242 Background: Emergency Department (ED) surges at MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) lead to overcrowding, safety risks, privacy concerns, staff burnout, and adverse events associated with delays in care, including death. In 2015, the ED Interdisciplinary Quality & Safety Committee (EDIQSC) at MDACC was developed to review and address safety events. We report on the preliminary results of a quality improvement project with a long-term goal of developing a systematic solution of proactively responding to ED surge and overcrowding (EDSO). Methods: First, EDIQSC reviewed the current literature regarding EDSO. Subsequently an ED Surge and ED Overcrowding Committee (EDSOC) was established to identify solutions to address patient safety risks and improve patient experience in the ED. Results: Literature review showed that NEDOCS (Weiss, SJ et al) was the best scoring tool to calculate ED Overcrowding levels. EDSOC’s weekly meetings facilitated by the Office of Performance Improvement (OPI) explored factors related to EDSO via FMEA a quality improvement tool that proactively evaluate process associated risks. In addition, the following immediate solutions were implemented in the ED: daily status reporting by ED to institutional leaders, a “fast-track” care area implementation, senior executive rounding during ED Surge, electronic medical record (EMR) configuration for high census accommodation, continuous ED Nursing Leadership unit needs assessment, and prioritization of needs based on hospital throughput. Additional interventions in current development include a real-time EMR dashboard accurately reflecting ED capacity, and a NEDOCS guided interdisciplinary operational action plan. Conclusions: ED Surge & Overcrowding is a complex issue with various external and internal contributing factors that cannot be solved with one approach. It is a dynamic, interdisciplinary system that requires vigilant planning, assessment of downstream change effects, stakeholder agility and continuous risk anticipation. EDSOC continues these efforts in an attempt to develop and implement a comprehensive, interdisciplinary tool to direct institutional operations during times of ED Surge & Overcrowding.




American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)


Cancer Research,Oncology

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