1. MRC Clinical Trial Unit, London, United Kingdom
3512 Background: The MRC CR07 trial compared routine short course pre-operative radiotherapy (PRE) with selective post-operative chemo-radiation if there was involvement of the circumferential resection margin (CRM) (POST) and included a prospective pathological assessment of the quality of resection of the surgical specimen. Methods: A total of 1350 patients were randomised from 52 centres between March 1998 and August 2005. Median follow-up is 3 years. Trial pathologists were trained in histopathological assessment and reporting of the involvement of the CRM and plane of surgery (PoS) according to pre-set criteria describing the plane of dissection (Grade 1-muscularis plane: 2-intramesorectal plane: 3-mesorectal plane). 1232 patients were prospectively assessed for CRM and 1119 for PoS. Results: The CRM was involved (tumour ≤1mm) in 139 (11%) of resected specimens, and for these patients the 3-year local recurrence (LR), disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival rates were 18%, 50% and 57%. For the 1093 patients with CRM-ve the respective rates were 7%, 81% and 84%. LR and DFS rates were associated with PoS (log-rank test p=0.0019 and p=0.0506 respectively), and in addition there was clear evidence of a reduction in LR and improvement in DFS rates in favour of PRE for all grades of quality of surgical assessment as shown in the table . Conclusions: The results indicate a strong association between the quality of surgery and the rates of local recurrence and disease-free survival, as well as a clear benefit from the addition of PRE to all grades of surgical dissection. Thus for patients with rectal cancer short-course pre-operative radiotherapy and good quality surgery can almost completely eliminate local recurrence. [Table: see text] No significant financial relationships to disclose.
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
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39 articles.