1. University of Freiburg
2. University of Potsdam
3. Black Forest National Park
We analyze how walkers employ a verbal format, i.e., the combination of a perception imperative followed by a wie ‘how’-exclamative (e.g., KUCK ma wie TRAUMhaft das is; ‘look PTCL how wonderful that is’), in its multimodal embedding, thus contributing to a multimodal extension of interactional linguistics. The analysis heavily relies on mobile eye-tracking as a method to collect naturally occurring data. It is argued that this kind of analysis would not be possible without the use of this novel technology. We focus on the role of the verbal format in the process of transforming individual perceptions into intersubjective experiences of nature, for which the precise documentation of gaze is essential. It is shown that the interactional function of this combined format is to draw the co-walker’s attention to an object in the surroundings and to express an affective stance towards it, treating the noticed referent as noteworthy and remarkable.
John Benjamins Publishing Company