1. Dublin City University
In the Republic of Ireland (RoI), Irish is recognised as the first official language of the state. The public has
the right to conduct all business with the state solely through the medium of Irish if they wish. The reality, however, is that
many government bodies only provide services in English. This article discusses the language used for assessments and
interventions for students with special educational needs (SEN) in Irish-medium (IM) primary and post-primary schools in the RoI.
A mixed methods study was conducted, with teachers from schools (n = 56) completing an online questionnaire at
first and then teachers (n = 32) undertaking semi-structured interviews. The findings suggest that students in IM
schools are not being afforded access to services in Irish and many challenges exist for these schools when meeting the SEN of
students. Recommendations are made around how to strengthen educational policy and practice to enable IM teachers meet the needs
of all students.
John Benjamins Publishing Company