1. Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle
This chapter explores nominal forms with a plural meaning that denote groups of humans in French: human collective nouns (HCNs) and plural definite noun phrases (NP with [les ‘the’ + Nplural]). I combine semantic-referential and argumentative perspectives in order to assess the role of plural reference in these two domains. After presenting my conception of reference and referent and the specificities of plural reference, I compare the two types of expressions from a semantic-referential point of view, based on expressions with the same extension: the HCNs le peuple (français) ‘the (French) people,’ la population (française) ‘the (French) population,’ l’opinion publique (française) ‘(French) public opinion,’ and the plural definite NPs les Français ‘the French’ and les citoyens (français) ‘(French) citizens.’
John Benjamins Publishing Company