1. University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
2. Universidad Nebrija | UiT The Arctic University of Norway
3. Universitat de Barcelona
This section briefly summarizes Albert Costa’s main scientific contributions and introduces the main themes elaborated in the nine chapters comprised in this volume. These chapters review the main theories and most recent findings related to bilingual language representation and selection in a broad sense. They cover topics like the temporal dynamics of lexical access and selection in monolinguals and bilinguals, the neurolinguistics of language control, bimodal bilingualism, lexical anticipation, lexical and syntactic alignment, or the foreign-language effect. All chapters who are written by internationally renowned researchers and experts that collaborated with Prof. Costa in developing new (often pioneering) research. Together, they provide a broad overview of the state of the art in the psycholinguistics of bilingualism. They present thought-provoking inquiries and point to future challenges and new research directions related to each topic.
John Benjamins Publishing Company