1. Proceedings against the Negroes of Pointe Coupee for the Crime of Revolution, 1795-05-02-01, Spanish Judicial Records, Louisiana Historical Center, New Orleans Jazz Museum, New Orleans, Louisiana.
2. Procès contre les Esclaves du Poste de Pointe Coupee, Original Acts of Pointe Coupee, Volume 1880, Folders 1–265, 25 April 1795 through 29 May 1795, Pointe Coupee Courthouse, New Roads, Louisiana.
3. Trial of Mina Conspirators in New Orleans, Legajo 168A, 26 March 1792 to 8 April 1794, Papeles Procedentes de Cuba, Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain.
4. Linguistic fingerprints of authors and scribes