1. University of Connecticut
Previous research has demonstrated that speakers adapt individual characteristics of speech production to the
social context, for example via phonetic convergence. Studies have measured the impact of social dynamics on convergence in
typical speakers, but the impact of individual differences is less well-explored. The present study measures phonetic convergence
before and after a cooperative interaction with an undergraduate student by comparing teens with a history of autism spectrum
disorder (ASD) and with typical development. Results revealed a small temporal convergence effect for typically developing dyads;
in contrast, dyads including autistic teens showed no convergence. Furthermore, the degree of convergence was negatively related
to severity of ASD symptomatology and atypical sensory profiles. While social and sensory processing abilities may play a role in
phonetic convergence, high covariance between these measures makes it difficult to differentiate their contributions in
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Computer Science Applications,History,Education