Second/foreign language grammar studies usually focus on the validation of grammatical conceptualizations with
learners, sometimes overlooking the paramount need to test these conceptualizations against users’ judgements and corpus searches
as a way of verifying the relevance, frequency and suitability of the items, examples or explanations before the experimental
phases. This paper deals with three pre-experimental validation criteria employed to measure the pedagogical potential of
Cognitive Grammar descriptions for the Spanish pluperfect: (1) learner corpus searches based on caes – Corpus de
Aprendices de Español –, (2) native-speaker corpus searches by means of EsTenTen-18-subcorpus from Sketch Engine, and (3) language
users’ judgements. This tense rarely receives enough attention in learning materials due to its apparent simplicity in terms of
both morphology and functional import. However, learner corpus searches show certain instability in its use. This paper explores
the steps taken within the research project imagine in relation to this tense, including grammatical descriptions
developed within the Cognitive Grammar framework and from a temporal-epistemic perspective in an attempt to account for the
variety of uses of this tense.
John Benjamins Publishing Company