1. Jagiellonian University
The article addresses the issue of intracultural dialogue between two strong political mindsets, liberal and
conservative. This polarization is typical of contemporary cultural divides and emerges in the public sphere through mass media,
often finding its outlet through humour, which may be treated as a mediating factor. It will be discussed on the example of a
popular Polish humorous talk show broadcast on the public TV channel as compared to one broadcast on commercial television. The
central finding of the study, seemingly replicable for other languages and television cultures, is the discovery of the central
item on the discursive agenda, i.e., a worldview hiding in the conservative epistemic stance that assumes the authority of the
journalists running the show.
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Literature and Literary Theory,Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics,Cultural Studies
Cited by
1 articles.
1. Polarised but similar;The European Journal of Humour Research;2024-04-26