Van der Auwera & Vossen (2017) identify an intriguing shift from a
copula to a negative marker in the Tibeto-Burman Kiranti group, and discuss it as a possible example of Jespersen’s Cycle. This
paper traces a fuller history of the copula #ni, and presents an account of its association with negation, which
is attested in several other Tibeto-Burman languages besides Kiranti. In most Tibeto-Burman languages the equational copula is
“optional”, occurring in affirmative sentences only with a contrastive or emphatic sense. For this reason copulas often develop
into sentence-final stance markers. Since negation is morphologically marked on verbs, a negated equational sentence requires an
overt copula which can be negated. This paper presents data showing how this association of the presence of a copula with negation
has resulted in the negative sense becoming associated with and, in a few cases, becoming the direct meaning of the erstwhile
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Linguistics and Language,Communication,Language and Linguistics