1. University of Gothenburg
This paper argues that studies of the LL could merit from a more detailed social
semiotic examination of particular sign-genres. It describes genre as normative
system open to change, on the one hand, and as complex historical and cultural
configurations of semiotic resources and affordances, on the other. Based on
illustrative analysis of how the discursive interaction of ‘pride’ and ‘profit’
is affecting Galician and Basque street-name signing, the paper makes the
following points: (1) genre depends on discourse, and discourse depends on
genre; (2) particular materializations of a genre actualize distinct resources
and highlight different affordances; (3) detailed and contextualized analysis of
determined sign genres can reveal ideological layering in the LL; (4) when a
genre is taken ‘out of place’ or is recontextualized, its typical repertoire of
resources is rearranged and new affordances emerge.
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Cited by
14 articles.