We can observe a systematic reorganization of the Latin Spelling System in the II and I centuries BC. We will
focus on the etiology and diffusion of <XS> spelling for the /ks/ cluster instead of <X>, highlighting the interplay
between centripetal and centrifugal forces in the standardization process. Its etiology and further diffusion will be compared to
the emergence of other spelling innovations in the Latin writing system of the second century BC. We will propose that the
progressive integration of <XS> spelling in the systematic orthography of Latin was favored by both morpho-graphemic and
phono-graphemic factors. Moreover, we will take into consideration the complex social network of the Roman Republic to trace back
<XS> diffusion path. We will propose that, alongside the leading role of the urban elites in its diffusion, also local
communities independently developed such a spelling variant, probably as a consequence of Greek systematic orthography’s
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