1. Kennesaw State University
This article studies the efficiency of different samples for content analysis of news in media effects studies by
comparing the agenda-setting effect of a classic sample with the effect of a sample drawn based on audiences’ self-reported media
habits. Contrary to the belief that exposure to sampled media content is necessary for observation of media effects, samples drawn
based on overall readership/viewership of the media are more efficient than samples based on audiences’ actual consumption habits.
A traditional media sample yields a stronger agenda-setting effect compared to a sample drawn based on self-reported media habits.
But correlations between the two media samples are also strong. The findings suggest that a broad intermedia agenda-setting
process makes it possible for researchers to draw a traditional sample that is representative of the issues salient to audiences
regardless of their level of exposure to the sampled media. In other words, even in a demassified media environment, traditional
samples are still the best option for media effects researchers.
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Linguistics and Language,Sociology and Political Science,Language and Linguistics,Communication