1. The Rossendorf Beamline at ESRF – The European Synchrotron
2. 38043 Grenoble Cedex 9
3. France
4. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)
5. Institute of Resource Ecology
6. Lomonosov Moscow State University
7. Department of Chemistry
8. 119991 Moscow
9. Russia
10. ESRF – The European Synchrotron
11. National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”
12. 123182 Moscow
13. Synchrotron SOLEIL
14. L'Orme des Merisiers
15. 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette
16. Dresden
17. Germany
18. Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics
19. Department of Physics and Astronomy
20. Uppsala University
21. Uppsala
22. Sweden