1. B. Salbu , in Hot Particles from the Chernobyl Fallout, ed. von Philipsborn, H., and Steinhäuser, F., Bergbau- und Industriemuseum, Theuern, 1988, vol. 16, p. 83.
2. B. Salbu , The Quality of Analytical Data for Modelling Purposes, BIOMOVS Technical Report No. 3, Swedish National Institute of Radiation Protection, Stockholm, 1988.
3. N. A. Loshchilov , V. A.Kashparov, E. B.Yudin, V. P.Protsak, M. A.Zhurba, Y. A.Ivanov, and A. E.Parshakov, in Proceedings of the Radiobiological Impact of Hot Beta-Particles from the Chernobyl Fallout: Risk Assessment, IAEA Coordinated Research Programme, Kiev, Ukraine, 1991, IAEA Report No. J1-RC-487, IAEA, Vienna, 1992, p. 5.
4. Initial observations of fallout from the reactor accident at Chernobyl
5. R. Raunemaa , H.Saari, S.Luokkanen, and S.Lehtinen, in Hot Particles from the Chernobyl Fallout, ed. von Philipsborn, H., and Steinhäuser F., Bergbau- und Industriemuseum, Theuern, 1988, vol. 16, p. 77.