1. Department of Energy Engineering
2. Hanyang University
3. Seoul
4. South Korea
5. Physiklische und Theoretische Chemie
6. Freie Universitat
7. Berlin
8. Germany
9. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
10. Department of Chemistry and BINA (BIU institute of nano-technology and advanced materials)
11. Bar-Ilan University
12. Ramat-Gan
13. Israel
14. Energy and Environmental Directorate
15. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
16. Richland
17. USA
18. PLS-II Beamline Division
19. Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL)
20. Pohang
21. Global Frontier Center for Hybrid Interface Materials
22. Pusan National University
23. Busan 609-735
24. Department of Materials Science and Engineering