1. K. Edström , R.Dominko , M.Fichtner , S.Perraud , C.Punckt , P.Asinari , I. E.Castelli , R.Christensen , S.Clark , A.Grimaud , K.Hermansson , A.Heuer , H.Lorrmann , O. M.Løvvik , T.Vegge , W.Wenzel , P.Bayle-Guillemaud , J.Behm , E.Berg , M.Hahlin , S.Hartmann , A.Latz , S.Lyonnard , J.Amici , M.Berecibar , S.Bodoardo , R.Dominko , L.Jabbour , J.Kallo , E.-E.Paillard , O.Raccurt , V.Heiries , N.Guillet , J.-M.Tarascon , D.Van Laethem , E.Ayerbe , R.Diehm , J.Hofmann , O.Miguel , T.Placke , E.Sheridan , P.Barboux , C.Chanson , P.Jacques , M.Meeus , V.Trapp and M.Weil , Inventing the Sustainable Batteries of the Future, Battery 2030+ technical report , 2020
2. Status and challenges in enabling the lithium metal electrode for high-energy and low-cost rechargeable batteries
3. The effects of current density and amount of discharge on dendrite formation in the lithium powder anode electrode
4. Mathematical model of the dendritic growth during lithium electrodeposition
5. Heterogeneous Nucleation and Growth of Lithium Electrodeposits on Negative Electrodes