1. K. Beierschmitt , M.Buchanan , A.Clark , I.Robertson , P.Britt , A.Navrotsky , P.Burns , P.Tortorelli , A.Misra , J.Wishart , P.Fenter , A.Gewirth , B.Wirth , B.Mincher , I.Szlufarska , J.Busby , L.Horton , B.Garrett , J.Vetrano , P.Wilk , K.Runkles , S.Kung , S.Lesica , B.Wyatt , D.Counce and K.Jones , Basic Research Needs for Future Nuclear Energy: Report of the Basic Energy Sciences Workshop for Future Nuclear Energy, August 9–11, 2017 , U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science , USA , 2017
2. D. F. Williams and P. F.Britt , Technology and Applied R&D Needs for Molten Salt Chemistry, Innovative Approaches to Accelerate Molten Salt Reactor Development and Deployment , U.S. Department of Energy , Tennessee , 2017
3. Radiation creation of cation defects in alkali halide crystals: Review and today's concept (Review Article)
4. Pulse Radiolysis of Fused Alkali Halides1