1. NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute
2. University of Tübingen
3. Reutlingen
4. Germany
5. Microfluidic ChipShop GmbH
6. Jena
7. Ionovation GmbH
8. Bissendorf
9. Section of Hepatology
10. Clinic and Polyclinic for Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectiology, Pneumology
11. University Clinic Leipzig
12. Leipzig
13. Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery and Visceral Transplantation
14. University Hospital
15. Leipzig University
16. A & M Labor fuer Analytik und Metabolismusforschung Service GmbH
17. Bergheim
18. PRIMACYT Cell Culture Technology GmbH
19. Schwerin
20. Department of Women's Health