1. Institute of Chemical Technology and Engineering
2. Faculty of Chemical Technology
3. Poznan University of Technology
4. 60965 Poznan
5. Poland
6. Institute of Chemistry and Technical Electrochemistry
7. Institute of Experimental Physics
8. TU Bergakademie Freiberg
9. 09599 Freiberg
10. Germany
11. NanoBioMedical Centre
12. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
13. 61614 Poznan
14. Institut für Oberflächenphysik und Mikrostrukturphysik
15. Institute of Theoretic Physics
16. 09596 Freiberg
17. Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
18. Duke University
19. 27708 Durham
20. USA
21. Department of Macromolecular Physics