1. G. Gregory and A. Kippis , ed. Biographia Britannica , 1789 , 4 , 573–619
2. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol 6, Slice 1, p11. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/31156/31156-h/31156-h.htm#ar15
3. G. Gregory , The Life of Thomas Chatterton , 1789 , p 100 . Reproduced in “The Life of Thomas Chatterton: With Criticisms on his Genius and Writings, and a Concise View of the Controversy Concerning Rowley's Poems”, 2013, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN10: 1108063357
4. G. Gregory , Thomas Chatterton, His Life , Biggs and Cottle , London , 1803 , plxx
5. H. J. Walls