1. School of Chemistry
2. University of Southampton
3. Highfield
4. UK
5. CIC bioGUNE
6. Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA)
7. 48160 Derio
8. Spain
9. CIC biomaGUNE
10. Donostia-San Sebastian
11. Sorbonne Université
12. CNRS
13. Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire
14. UMR 8232
15. 75005 Paris
16. Department of Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery
17. Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Science
18. Utrecht University
19. Utrecht
20. The Netherlands
21. Department of Chemistry
22. Laboratory of Bio-organic Chemistry
23. University of Namur (UNamur)
24. B-5000 Namur
25. Belgium
26. Ikerbasque