1. International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (WPI-MANA)
2. National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
3. Tsukuba
4. Japan
5. Department of Physics
6. Advanced Functional Materials (AFM) Laboratory
7. Engineering Physics
8. Bandung Institute of Technology
9. Bandung 40132
10. Indonesia
11. Department of Chemical Engineering
12. Monash University
13. Clayton
14. Australia
15. Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Graphene-based Materials
16. Graduate School at Shenzhen
17. Tsinghua University
18. Shenzhen 518055
19. China
20. Department of Energy and Materials Engineering
21. Dongguk University-Seoul
22. Seoul 04620
23. Republic of Korea
24. Department of Applied Chemistry
25. School of Advanced Science and Engineering
26. Waseda University
27. Shinjuku-ku
28. Department of Plant & Environmental New Resources
29. Kyung Hee University
30. Yongin-si
31. South Korea
32. School of Chemical Engineering & Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN)