1. Research Centre for Carbon Solutions, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK
2. Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, 0130, Oslo, Norway
3. Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis, Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
4. Institute of Energy and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, 8092, Switzerland
5. Sustainable Decisions Limited, London, WC2H 9JQ, UK
6. SINTEF Energy Research, P.O. Box 4761 Torgarden, 7465 Trondheim, Norway
7. The Sargent Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2BX, UK
8. Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, UK
9. Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2BX, UK
10. Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, 3584 CB, Utrecht, The Netherlands