1. H. B. Mekelburger and C. S.Wilcox , Comprehensive Organic Synthesis , Elsevier , Amsterdam , 2nd edn, 2014 , vol. 2 , pp. 243–272
2. B. M. Stoltz , N. B.Bennett , D. C.Duquette , A. F. G.Goldberg , Y.Liu , M. B.Loewinger and C. M.Reeves , Comprehensive Organic Synthesis , Elsevier , Amsterdam , 2nd edn, 2014 , vol. 3 , pp. 1–55
3. H. O. House , Modern Synthetic Reactions , 2nd edn, Benjamin , Philippines , 1972 , p. 492
4. While the p K a of cyclohexanone is 26.4 (in DMSO), those of isopropylamine and TMS 2 NH are 36 and 30 (in THF), respectively. Evans' p K a Table can be found in http://evans.rc.fas.harvard.edu/pdf/evans_pKa_table.pdf
5. For representative reviews on organocatalysis, see;