1. Nanomaterials Laboratory
2. Department of Physics
3. Alagappa University
4. Karaikudi 630 003
5. India
6. Department of Materials Science and Engineering
7. Chungnam National University
8. Daejeon 305-764
9. South Korea
10. Faculty of Engineering and Science
11. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
12. Bergen 5063
13. Norway
14. Department of Mechanical Engineering
15. Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
16. Gandhinagar
17. Centre for OptoElectronics and Biophotonics (COEB)
18. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
19. The Photonics Institute (TPI)
20. Nanyang Technological University
21. Singapore
22. Department of Chemistry
23. College of Science
24. King Saud University
25. Riyadh 11495
26. Saudi Arabia