1. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Espoo Finland
2. Lappeenranta University of Technology Lappeenranta Finland
This chapter looks at the raw material value chain from environmental aspects in mining (its water uses and treatment, metals processing, recovery and recycling). Hydrometallurgical processing and recovery including leaching, precipitation, solvent extraction and ion exchange are discussed and examples for several technologically important metals are given. Mining of raw materials, metals processing and recovery are crucial for our wellbeing, the development of society and the world economy. Minerals, metals and their processed high-end complex materials exist in our daily lives including buildings, infrastructure, vehicles, appliances and electronic products. All these contain either mined metals and partly recycled metals and materials. Mining and metals processing are not invisible activities and require energy, water and land area. Development of good practices, improved resource efficiency and sustainability thinking in the whole value chain are required in industrial operations.
The Royal Society of Chemistry