1. A. L.McClellan , Tables of Experimental Dipole Moments , W. H. Freeman and Company , San Francisco , 1963
2. O. A.Osipov , V. I.Minkin and A. D.Garnovskii , Handbook of dipole moments , 3rd edn, High School Publ. House , Moscow (in Russian) , 1971
3. R. D.Nelson Jr , D. R.Lide Jr and A. A.Maryott , NSDRS-NBS Monograph 10 , National Bureau of Standards , 1967
4. P.Debye , Polar Molecules , Dover, New York , 1954
5. C. J. F.Böttcher , Theory of Electric Polarization , 2nd edn, Elsevier , Amsterdam , 1973