1. Cosun Innovation Centre Kreekweg 1 Dinteloord Netherlands
2. insight FOOD inside Rietveen 16 Breda Netherlands
Mouthfeel experiences and ratings by consumers are related to the properties of the foods that generate these experiences, but the relationships are complex. This chapter describes our current understanding of the physiological mechanisms that link food textural descriptors of perceived mouthfeel to food properties by describing the underlying physiological links, starting with the mouthfeel described by the consumer and ending with the food structure and structure dynamics in the mouth. Each of these links sets limits to what can physiologically be transferred to the next step and each link is sensitive to the variations given by the feedback regulation of the higher physiological levels. The number of, and variability in, these links explains why tactile perception by consumers can be very different from instrumental measurements of structure and rheology.
The Royal Society of Chemistry