Microbial CO2 Conversion Routes


Magiri – Skouloudi Despina1,Topakas Evangelos2,Karellas Sotirios1


1. Laboratory of Steam Boilers and Thermal Plants, National Technical University of Athens   9 Iroon Polytechniou str., Zografou Campus   Athens   15780   Greece   dmskouloudi@mail.ntua.gr

2. Biotechnology Laboratory, School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens   5 Iroon Polytechniou str., Zografou Campus   Athens   15780   Greece


The concept of microbial CO2 conversion has attracted major interest within the past few years from both the research community and industry, as recent advances showcase this technology's potential for wide commercial deployment, mostly due to its notable versatility and effectiveness. The two main microbial bioprocess categories commonly implemented in microbial carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) systems are gas fermentation (either anaerobic or aerobic, with CO2 and CO as main carbon sources) and anaerobic digestion (with CH4 as main carbon source). This chapter examines the main pathways and process configurations developed thus far for microbial CO2 utilization. Target products of microbial CCU processes are also presented, ranging from fuels and commodity chemicals to specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals, plastic precursors and intermediates for the paints, lubricants, adhesives and thinners industry, as well as food and feed ingredients. In this chapter, the major metabolic pathways, products and bioprocess characteristics of microbial CO2 conversion configurations are discussed, followed by an analysis of the major benefits, challenges and future prospects of microbial CCU systems.


The Royal Society of Chemistry








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