Advanced functional polymer materials


Wang Kaojin12345,Amin Kamran678910,An Zesheng1112131410ORCID,Cai Zhengxu1516171810ORCID,Chen Hong1219202110ORCID,Chen Hongzheng2223242526ORCID,Dong Yuping1516171810ORCID,Feng Xiao27171810ORCID,Fu Weiqiang1516171810,Gu Jiabao12345,Han Yanchun2829303110ORCID,Hu Doudou32252610,Hu Rongrong12345ORCID,Huang Die12345,Huang Fei14510ORCID,Huang Feihe3334352526ORCID,Huang Yuzhang12345,Jin Jian1219203610ORCID,Jin Xin2737383910ORCID,Li Qianqian35404110ORCID,Li Tengfei4243444546ORCID,Li Zhen35404110ORCID,Li Zhibo47484910ORCID,Liu Jiangang2829303110,Liu Jing32252610,Liu Shiyong5051522453,Peng Huisheng5455565710ORCID,Qin Anjun12345ORCID,Qing Xin58565910,Shen Youqing32252610ORCID,Shi Jianbing1516171810ORCID,Sun Xuemei5455565710ORCID,Tong Bin1516171810ORCID,Wang Bo27171810ORCID,Wang Hu3334352526ORCID,Wang Lixiang2829303110ORCID,Wang Shu6030910ORCID,Wei Zhixiang678910ORCID,Xie Tao3361252610ORCID,Xu Chunye5150245362ORCID,Xu Huaping35636410ORCID,Xu Zhi-Kang2224252610ORCID,Yang Bai1112131410ORCID,Yu Yanlei58565910ORCID,Zeng Xuan65404110,Zhan Xiaowei4243444546ORCID,Zhang Guangzhao244510ORCID,Zhang Jie12345,Zhang Ming Qiu12345ORCID,Zhang Xian-Zheng65404110ORCID,Zhang Xiao58565910,Zhang Yi12345ORCID,Zhang Yuanyuan27171810,Zhao Changsheng12345ORCID,Zhao Weifeng12345ORCID,Zhou Yongfeng2737383910ORCID,Zhou Zhuxian32252610ORCID,Zhu Jintao12345ORCID,Zhu Xinyuan2737383910ORCID,Tang Ben Zhong12345ORCID


1. State Key Laboratory of Luminescent Materials and Devices

2. Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Luminescence from Molecular Aggregates

3. Center for Aggregation-Induced Emission

4. South China University of Technology

5. Guangzhou 510640

6. CAS Key Laboratory of Nanosystem and Hierarchical Fabrication

7. CAS Center for Excellence in Nanoscience

8. National Center for Nanoscience and Technology

9. Beijing 100190

10. China

11. State Key Laboratory of Supramolecular Structure, and Materials

12. College of Chemistry

13. Jilin University

14. Changchun 130012

15. Beijing Key Laboratory of Construction Tailorable Advanced Functional Materials and Green Applications

16. School of Materials Science and Engineering

17. Beijing Institute of Technology

18. Beijing 100081

19. Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

20. Soochow University

21. Suzhou

22. MOE Key Laboratory of Macromolecular Synthesis and Functionalization

23. State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials

24. Department of Polymer Science and Engineering

25. Zhejiang University

26. Hangzhou 310027

27. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

28. State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry

29. Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry

30. Chinese Academy of Sciences

31. Changchun 130022

32. Center for Bionanoengineering and College of Chemical and Biological Engineering

33. State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering

34. Center for Chemistry of High-Performance & Novel Materials

35. Department of Chemistry

36. Suzhou 215123

37. State Key Laboratory of Metal Matrix Composites

38. Shanghai Jiao Tong University

39. Shanghai 200240

40. Wuhan University

41. Wuhan 430072

42. Department of Materials Science and Engineering

43. College of Engineering

44. Key Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry and Physics of Ministry of Education

45. Peking University

46. Beijing 100871

47. College of Polymer Science and Engineering

48. Qingdao University of Science and Engineering

49. Qingdao 266042

50. CAS Key Laboratory of Soft Matter Chemistry

51. Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale

52. iChEM (Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials)

53. University of Science and Technology of China

54. State Key Laboratory of Molecular Engineering of Polymers

55. Department of Macromolecular Science, and Laboratory of Advanced Materials

56. Fudan University

57. Shanghai 200438

58. Department of Materials Science & State Key Laboratory of Molecular Engineering of Polymers

59. Shanghai 200433

60. Institute of Chemistry

61. College of Chemical and Biological Engineering

62. Hefei 230026

63. Tsinghua University

64. Beijing 100084

65. Key Laboratory of Biomedical Polymers of Ministry of Education & Department of Chemistry


This review presents the recent developments in the research hotspots of advanced functional polymers; their concepts, design strategies, and applications are briefly discussed.


Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province

China Postdoctoral Science Foundation

National Natural Science Foundation of China

Innovation and Technology Commission

Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities


Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)


Materials Chemistry,General Materials Science







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