1. Department of Analytical Chemistry
2. University of Madras
3. Chennai 600025
4. India
5. Crystal Growth Centre
6. Anna University
7. Department of Humanities and Basic Sciences
8. Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous)
9. Rajahmundry 533296
10. Department of Chemistry
11. College of Science
12. King Saud University
13. Riyadh
14. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
15. Department of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering
16. Hanseo University
17. Chungnam 356-706
18. Korea
19. Groningen University
20. University Medical Center Groningen
21. 9713 AW Groningen
22. The Netherlands
23. Wits Advanced Drug Delivery Platform Research Unit
24. Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
25. School of Therapeutic Sciences
26. Faculty of Health Sciences
27. University of the Witwatersrand
28. Department of Biomedical Engineering
29. Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST)
30. Dhaka
31. Bangladesh
32. Nanotechnology & Catalysis Research Centre
33. University of Malaya
34. Kuala Lumpur
35. Malaysia