1. Department of Materials Science and Engineering
2. Yonsei University
3. Seodaemoon-gu
4. Republic of Korea
5. Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
6. Chemistry Department
7. Brookhaven National Laboratory
8. Upton
9. USA
10. School of Mechanical Engineering
11. Nano Carbon Materials Research Group
12. Creative and Fundamental Research Division
13. Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute
14. Changwon 642-120
15. Department of Energy and Materials Engineering
16. Dongguk University
17. Seoul 100-715
18. Center for Energy Convergence Research
19. Korea Institute of Science and Technology
20. Seongbuk-gu
21. Canadian Light Source Inc.
22. Saskatoon
23. Canada
24. Energy Efficient Materials Team
25. Energy & Environmental Division
26. Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology
27. Jinju 660-031