1. The study of the reactivity of transition-metal complexes: the early years post-World War II
2. see also Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry, eds. G. Wilkinson, R. D. Gillard and J. A. McCleverty, Pergamon, Oxford, 1987, vol. 1, chs. 7.1–7.5.
3. See, for example, Advances in Inorganic and Bioinorganic Mechanisms, ed. A. G. Sykes, Academic Press, London, 1982–1984, 1986, vols. 1–4.
4. Mechanistic aspects of homogeneous catalytic hydrogenation and related processes
5. D. J. Evans , R. A.Henderson and B. E.Smith, Bioinorganic Catalysis, ed. J. Reedijk, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1993, 89 and refs. therein.