1. Quantum Materials & Energy Devices (QM-ED) Laboratory
2. Department of Physics
3. Bharathiar University
4. Coimbatore
5. India
6. Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory
7. Hyderabad 500 058
8. Department of Nanoscience and Technology
9. Sri Ramakrishana Engineering College, Affiliated to Anna University
10. Coimbatore – 641 022
11. Department of Structural Chemistry of Solids
12. Frantsevych Institute for Problems of Materials Science
13. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
14. UA-03142 Kyiv
15. Ukraine
16. UGC-CPEPA Centre for Advanced Studies in Physics for the Development of Solar Energy Materials and Devices
17. Macromolecular Laboratory
18. UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research
19. Indore