1. Department of Environmental Science and Technology
2. Faculty of Engineering
3. Shinshu University
4. Nagano 380-8553
5. Japan
6. Fachgebiet Keramische Werkstoffe
7. Institut für Werkstoffwissenschaften und -technologien
8. Technische Universität Berlin
9. 10623 Berlin
10. Germany
11. Department of Physical Chemistry
12. Shahrood Branch
13. Islamic Azad University
14. Shahrood
15. Iran
16. Graduate School of Engineering
17. Toyota Technological Institute
18. Nagoya 468-8511
19. Institute for Materials Research
20. Tohoku University
21. Sendai 980-8577
22. Department of Chemical System Engineering
23. School of Engineering
24. The University of Tokyo
25. Tokyo 113-8656